Free Download Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 600 Driver for Windows 7 x32 (Graphics Board).
This driver is written specifically for Intel® Atom™ processor based systems with the Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 600. View the README file for installation information and the RELEASE NOTES for driver version details. This driver package contains version for Windows* 7 32 Bit.
The software drivers provided on this page are generic versions, and can be used for general purposes. However, computer original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) may have altered the features, incorporated customizations, or made other changes to the software or software packaging they provide. To avoid any potential installation incompatibilities on your OEM system, Intel recommends that you check with your OEM and use the software provided via your system manufacturer.
Intel or the computer original equipment manufacturer (OEM) may not provide technical support for some or all issues that could arise from the usage of this generic version of software drivers.
View Release Note document
Which File Do I Download?
Any one of the files (.exe or .zip) available for download.
Files available for download:
win7.exe - this is a self-extracting file which installs the software on the system, temporary files are deleted. - this is a compressed package which includes all files required to install the software on a the system.
How do I install the graphics driver?
If you downloaded the EXE version of the Intel graphics driver, double-click on the EXE file to start the driver installation.
If you downloaded the ZIP version, extract the ZIP file and then double-click the SETUP.EXE file to start the driver installation. An alternate installation method is to follow the instructions in the driver's Read Me text file to perform a manual 'Have-Disk' installation.
Getting Support:
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 600 (Intel® GMA 600)